This past week I read through John 17-19 for small group. What I didn't realize was I was about to read about the crucifixion. What amazed me was the way this story affected me; I had heard it so many times before. I had occasionally heard the song "Why" by Nichole Nordeman and this time, I read while I listened. I teared up thinking of the horrors Christ went through for my sins, my wrongs, my terribleness, my awfulness.
This past weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a retreat in Des Moines!! (A HUGE thanks goes out to my parents for being the greatest! Love you!) The theme: Bride of Christ focused not only on relationships between men and women, but our place in the church. I learned so much! I would love to tell you everything I soaked up, but I'll save you three days of reading. How about a taste of a couple stand-out points?
Being a Biblical woman submits to male leadership. In a world trying to gain equality for women in every aspect, I learned that submission shouldn't have a negative connotation. Allowing men to lead even glorifies God! What a simple way to please our Lord!
Also, the speakers, Paul Sabino, Jeff Dodge, and Bob Thune each had challenging, yet encouraging messages. Today, Troy Nesbitt totally ruined just the happy vibe and humbled me with: Does God care about and love us? Yes. Does God love the church, His bride, more than lowly me? Absolutely. Adding to that, we pray for His will be done in our own life. This limits our all-powerful Lord. God does not think that small. Yeah, He keeps His eyes on the sparrow and He's watching over me, but what am I doing to further His bride? The church isn't just the bride, but the body of Christ. We are recognized and seen by our bodies; God is no different. He must be seen through His body. (Next part from Bob Thune) Without our community, the body of Christ, we are simply a severed body part, lying lifeless on the floor. (This isn't the Addams family, it's God's!)
I can tell when I haven't been to church in a while, I don't meet with God as much, and I miss the fellowship with my friends! Some weekends, I wouldn't "feel" like going to church, or something was "more pressing". I could tell! I needed that community of believers encouraging me and helping the Lord form me into the perfect being I can only be through Him.
Also, have I told you what I'm giving up for Lent?? Negativity. Yep. That's the term I'm giving it. Every time I say or think something negative or rude or just plain mean, I have to say or think something positive to counteract it. I told lots of my friends to help me stick with it and call me out. It really challenges me! I realized I can be so mean and not using my words to build others up. I want to change this. Changing thoughts takes practice, but I know it will help me better myself and the ways God can use me in His church to further His will. (Also, I gave up biting my nails. I'm not doing super, but better!) God's always shaping me, I just pray to remain soft and mold-able. :)
Praying for each of you!
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