Let's call it a hiatus. (It sounds better than sometimes too busy and sometimes too busy being lazy.)
Now, I'm still hanging out in Iowa working and going to school. But a year has gone past, and I've done some things in that time!
I worked at the State Fair serving food and whatnot. It paid tuition, and I had fun! Sis was named State Fair Queen. She's gorgeous and smart and talented, so of course. I also attended the Salt Company Leaders' Retreat. It's awesome.
September and October:
All I can think of is football and volleyball seeing as I worked a lot during the fall. I also spent time with Bible study ladies at an apple orchard and we had so much fun!
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Photo stolen from the beauty on the left! |
The group of gals below hold a special place in my heart, and we had a reunion for a short evening. It was the greatest. (And it should happen again, even though it's significantly harder now) Thanksgiving is always the best. I actually spent most of my Thanksgiving break with family and some friends, so it was a good time.
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Photo stolen from the beauty in stripes! |
The semester ended, and I said goodbye to my sweet, kind, and loving coleader and roomie. She graduated and moved not too far away, so I still see her but not often enough!
New semester and classes along with a trip with friends over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. We had so much fun!
I turned 21 and that same weekend got really sick! (Seriously, no correlation!!) Thankfully, my mom was around the area with my sis, and they were able to pick me up and take me home, since I was out of town. If you want a humbling experience, go to a large college ministry event and have your mom pick you up. (Thanks mom!! You're the real MVP!)
I went to NYC for Spring Break! I went as a part of a mission trip focusing on social justice. We worked with Let My People Go, a ministry within the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association. A huge thank you goes out to my home church for supporting me financially and prayerfully!
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Photo stolen from the tall guy on the right. Thanks for showing us a great and heartbreaking time in NYC! |
Nothing super crazy happened here, other than organizing a baking party. I love baking for others, so it was fun to bake with others. In a class, a team and I edited and published our first book! I really loved doing it, and it was a huge learning experience.
The beginning of May, I had the honor to baptize three wonderful friends and sisters in ChristThe semester ended, and Sis graduated high school. I went home for about 10 days, including going to the Tulip Festival to celebrate my Dutch heritage, cousin's grad party, cleaning and organizing, attend a 2.5 hour long band and choir concert, a one-hour long athletic awards banquet, seeing Sis's team win District Champs for girl's soccer, hang out with Bro as well as friends, clean more with Grandma and Aunt, set up and take pictures during the party. It was fun and exhausting, physically and emotionally.
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One beauty I baptized with our pastor supervising! Stolen from KJoy Photography. |
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Photo stolen from the beauty in the middle |
I slowed down and took one class while working and leading a new group of gals in Bible study with a strong, gracious woman of God. I got to see my sister compete at the IHSSA soccer tournament. I went home and got to say goodbye to our foreign exchange student (Miss you!!) and go to my town's parade. I tend to steal candy from the kids around me. I also got to visit my friend for her birthday!! Her mom saved some raspberries and rhubarb for me to help make into jelly and jam. It's so good, and it was easy and fun! I definitely want to do that for my own pantry someday.
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She's the best. Hands down. |
We loved our night in Boji! |
Going even slower now that my class is over. I worked at the State Fairgrounds over the Fourth. That was an adventure. I also hung out with most of the fam at the State Fair's Corndog Kickoff. It was so fun! I took a tiny trip to visit family in Minneapolis area. Their new home is lovely, and the people are incredibly gracious hosts! It was so restful.
August 2015:
Um, why is there a gas pump in the Mall of America? |
This corgi is the bomb. She lives with my awesome extended fam. |
August 2015:
I went home for a weekend. And all in one weekend I: picked up my brother, celebrated Grandma's 80th birthday, went to the Okoboji Bible and Missionary Conference to hear Mark Lowry and The Martins (of Gaither Vocal Band fame and they performed this! *not my recording, nor the actual performance), and heard Jimmy Needham perform too. It was pretty rad. I also worked at the Iowa State Fair while sis finished her year as Iowa State Fair Queen and crowned the next incredible woman. In the middle of that, I went to the Salt Company Leaders' Retreat. It was a great time of pause, worship, and friendship. And then school started! I'm in my last semester at Iowa State. FINALLY.
September 2015:
School and work kept me busy and often feeling like I'm under water. Thankfully, I got the chance to go home and watch one of my sister's soccer game, hang out with my parents a little, and take my favorite kiddos to the county fair. I laughed so hard that weekend!
October 2015:
October has been fun! Weekend 1: A cousin married and the reception was so much fun! They're such a fun couple, and it was fun to see all the people, especially family, that came to celebrate. Weekend 2: A great group of girls that I have the honor of leading, serving, and loving went to Center Grove Orchard and had so much fun! I love each moment and every silly picture we took! Weekend 3: My sister has a fall break, so she took the first part to come see me! We had fun giggling at 1 a.m. and taking ridiculous pictures at Reiman Gardens. We ended this weekend with peach cobbler made by her. She's the best sister anyone could have. (yes, I'm a sappy older sister. no shame.)
The Salt Company Fall Retreat is coming up this next weekend! Please pray that all of us will take this weekend as the gift it is to rest and recharge in Christ to be fulfilled for the rest of the semester.
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Stolen from the beauty on the left. She was in my group 3 years ago and leads, loves, and serves international students now! |
School and work kept me busy and often feeling like I'm under water. Thankfully, I got the chance to go home and watch one of my sister's soccer game, hang out with my parents a little, and take my favorite kiddos to the county fair. I laughed so hard that weekend!
October 2015:
October has been fun! Weekend 1: A cousin married and the reception was so much fun! They're such a fun couple, and it was fun to see all the people, especially family, that came to celebrate. Weekend 2: A great group of girls that I have the honor of leading, serving, and loving went to Center Grove Orchard and had so much fun! I love each moment and every silly picture we took! Weekend 3: My sister has a fall break, so she took the first part to come see me! We had fun giggling at 1 a.m. and taking ridiculous pictures at Reiman Gardens. We ended this weekend with peach cobbler made by her. She's the best sister anyone could have. (yes, I'm a sappy older sister. no shame.)
Corn mazed and confused. We made it though! |
We have so much fun together! |
The Salt Company Fall Retreat is coming up this next weekend! Please pray that all of us will take this weekend as the gift it is to rest and recharge in Christ to be fulfilled for the rest of the semester.
Well, I suppose I should write more often, so you don't have to suffer through long posts like this. Thanks for reading, no matter how far you got!
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